It literally will catch almost any animal as long as the trap is big enough. Cage trapsĬage traps are an excellent investment, as they can be used to trap any kind of animal that can fit inside. If you are going to invest money or time into buying or making traps, determine what traps would work the best for the animals in your area. In the bullet points below, a wide variety of traps will be discussed. Just because survival trapping is usually associated with using Nature’s items, that doesn’t mean you can’t get some help from the prepping gear you have.

How can I start trapping? Overview of traps
Teach a man how to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” That old saying is a great example of why it is vitally important to be self-reliant when it comes to being able to supply your own food, should you have to. “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Survival trapping is a great option, as it allows you to not be dependent on grocery stores or meatpacking plants.

One of the best remedies for this malady is to have more than one way of obtaining food. Between meat packers being forced to shut down in some states, to grocery stores just running out of food and supplies in others, there has been much proof that supply chains can be utterly disrupted. Many areas across the United States have witnessed supply chain disruptions firsthand during the COVID-19 pandemic. The animal might not be the most appetizing, but it will provide you with nutrients to make it through until natural disaster dissipates. Survival trapping can be done in all conditions virtually anywhere as long as there is an animal or two to catch. These people will eventually run out of food, so it is vitally important to have another technique for gathering it. One of the worst things that can happen is when people are cut off from getting help and can’t contact anyone. Sometimes it isn’t even the weather event so much as the effects it has on people after the fact. Natural disasters, be it tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, or earthquakes, cause tons of damage and can be very dangerous. There is always one type of survival scenario that is never beyond the grasp of the imagination, because they occur frequently and violently. For lengthening your time that your food supplies will last and for adding healthy food to your diet, nothing beats survival trapping in a disaster scenario. Another great benefit to trapping more food is that it will add variety to your possibly bland food that you have had stored. Survival trapping is a great way to add healthy protein and fat to your diet, and almost everyone loves to eat meat. It is so important for you to not rely completely on your stored supplies, as this will drain your inventory of supplies rapidly. One of the more not thought about ways to lengthen the amount of food you have stored is to supplement this food with any other food sources you can obtain. Why would I ever need to trap food? Supplement food supply Survival trapping is all about obtaining sustenance for you and anyone else you are surviving with. Whereas, if you were survival trapping, you would be trying to catch things like squirrels, rabbits, and any other small animal you can eat. When fur trapping, you would be trying to catch animals like beaver, mink, coyotes, and raccoons. Survival trapping can best be described by thinking about the art of fur trapping and then adding a survival twist onto it.